Monday, January 23, 2012

Anna Scottt Graham and iBooks

I have a great friend who is also an indie writer. SHe is very tech savy, and her whole family is a bunch of geniuses. ( Yes, Anna you are all very smart)  I do not usually follow Publishing news, as I prefer to do the dirty work and just write.  As Anna has pointed out in her blog we as indie publishers should be very concerned with apple.  As a buyer of fiction or non-fiction I would be wary of apple as well.  See her comments below:
Here's the offending statement as it appears in the iBooks Author "About" box: "IMPORTANT NOTE: If you charge a fee for any book or other work you generate using this software (a “Work”), you may only sell or distribute such Work through Apple (e.g., through the iBookstore) and such distribution will be subject to a separate agreement with Apple."

Now, what's independent about that? Not very much, exactly what Apple and the other behemoth Amazon want to incorporate. Of course, authors have the choice with whom to publish, Apple and Amazon aren't shoving this down our throats. But it's sneaky, not very indie at all. Am I surprised? No. Will Apple sever ties with Smashwords? Who knows? If they do, it's no big loss for me, mostly because my ebooks are free. Also because trying to find free ebooks on iBooks is a dismal, frustrating experience

Take this for what you will, It looks like Apple is trying to coner the market on publishing now as well.  Cheers, Adelaye

Newt Gingrich and SC

I would just like to say that I wrote, "The Miracle," and published it before all the media stuff took off with Newt Gingrich and his wish for a open marriage/polyamorous marriage.  Just Saying:)

I was able to finally get Netflix to send me the final season of, "Big Love," on DVD this week.  I was glad to finally see the series ending episode on Saturday night. 

Have been very busy working on another story,  For those of you who like the smut, I'm sorry to say this is turning into a non-smut story.  My husband is happy, while he thinks it funny I write more colorful stories, He said that I just don't seem like the kind of person who should be writing them.  Think sweatpants, sweatshirts, vivtoria's secret granny panties, and fuzzy slippers. 

Onto the politics:  As I predicted candidates are starting to drop like flies.  Also as predicted they are endorsing a candidate they hope their supporters will switch allegience to.  I'ts disapointing that so many of the candidates have dropped out.  It's really not fair to the rest of us who have primaries so late in the year.  By the time PA gets around to it we usually only have two candidates to choose from.  Would love a chance to have a full cadre of choices. 

Need to go work on the new story, over 3,000 words yesterday. Cheers, Adelaye

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

NEW Book- An Arrangement

Posted a new Short Story on Smashwords today. The plot is still erotica.  The whole story is about 8,000 words, or roughly 19 eBook pages.  Download it today at Adelaye Hearst @

Cheers, Adelaye

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


One of my friends posted this today.  The postee is not a political science nut like I am, but he does seem to think the way I think.  Sometimes...  While his leaning(and Vote) are decidedly Republican, his beliefs sometimes are not. 

On the other hand, being a Democrat does not mean that I agree with all Democrat leanings either.  Wish there was a party that was somewhere in the middle?  Librals anyone?

Monday, January 16, 2012

Published Finally

All Books are published on  Under author Adelaye Hearst.  You have to type it exactly to pull up the books. 

Since the original publishing:
The Nosy Neighbor has been downloaded 520 times. 
Duck-N-Cover has been downloaded 76 times.
The Miracle has been downloaded 60 times.

Thank you to all who have downloaded my short stories.  I ask only that you provide a review.  If you see something major just reply on this post and let me know so I can try and fix it. 

PLEASE REVIEW all my posts at
Sincerely, Adelaye Hearst

Friday, January 13, 2012

Dear Readers-We Are Under Construction

I had a little advice from a fellow smashwords author last night.  All previous post pertaining to the books I have published were removed.  I hope to post again when I actually have smashwords figured out. 

The books were quite good really and early reviews with the projected down loads were great.  THe problem was that I didn't publish them as I had intended.  With some help, I hope to have that remedied today. 


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New Hampshire Primary

O.K. Back to the politics.  I really Hope Ron Paul Runs in the election.  It will make it that much easier for Obama to win re-election. 

For those of you who don't know why this is so:  Ron Paul usually collects many Libertarian voters, who during primaries often vote Republican.  In a state like New Hampshire there are lots of Libertarian voters. 

If Romney wins the Republican nomination then Ron Paul will also run, but as a libertarian.  The Libertarians never garnish enough votes to win, only to be annoying. ( I live with a Libertarian).  So in an actual election the votes get split.  Less actual votes for Republicans which almost guarantees a win for Obama. 

The only way this could bite Democrats in the ass, would be if Ron Paul conceeds right before the election and Asks his supporters to vote for Romney.  Like that is ever gonna happen.  Most people who voted for Ron Paul in the first place have serious doubts about Romney. 

So there is the political wisdom of the day. :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Manuscripts: Finished 1 today

I finished a manuscript today the working title is DEPLOYED.  Still in editing about 4,176 words.  It's really just a short story.  (I'd definitely label it erotica)

Started right away on the next article I have had bumping around in my head since the beginning of December. 2,263 words written today. The working title is: WE ARE NOT POYGAMISTS: A Diary(Should end up as a romance)

I'm sure these two weeks after surgery at home are going to fly by. 

Cheers, Adelaye

Do Not Vote for Rick Santorum

I live in PA.  Sometimes I have to wonder why he doesn't speak about his voting record in PA politics.  Yes, his name is known in PA.  Just questioning why he has not spent more time gathering the forces here.  BECAUSE he is known in PA that's why. 

To out of it to post a coherent blog today.  Had Throat surgery yesterday.  At least I can still type if I can't talk.