Friday, March 16, 2012

New Short Story

I recently read a post by someone who says they are trying to write a story a month for 2012. I thought that was a noble goal. Since 2012 began, I too, have published a short story a month. So in honor of my NEW goal. I started a story last week that I'm happy to say had over 2000 words added to it yesterday. The only problem is that I wanted to publish it tomorrow... So So So NOT going to happen. The theme is of course St. Patrick's Day. Do you think it will still be good to read after the holiday? So far everyone who has read the Valentine's Day Short Story, "Cooking Naked," has been o.k. reading it after the fact. I'm glad to say some of my early works are some of the most downloaded erotic/adult fiction on Barnes and Noble. Ich, better delete that last comment. Sounds too much like bragging. Well, it does doesn't it. I am very councious of how the books are being received by the public, so I read the reviews (YES, PLEASE LEAVE REVIEWS). I check the download counts, and I watch where my books sit when I log in to find NEW reading material for my own NOOK. My husband has noticed a severe drop off in reading lately however, because I was able to figure out my apps feature and I downloaded some games. :)

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