Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Debate-US Presidential Election

It has ben a long time since I was motivated to write. The summer was spent working on my own personal blog. NOT the one I have set up for my writing (Adelaye Hearst) In an effort to keep my annonymity I have set these two blogs well apart from each other. Meaning I do not discuss things literary or political or whatnot on my personal blog. With that said I guess its time to delve into the post. Are the American people just not learning the basics of civics in school anymore. I am disapointed by the gullibility of American people to the political babel comming out of BOTH candidates mouths. 1. NO AMOUNT of promises by a candidate are going to make a policy change. WHY? Well it goes something like this, CONGRESS SHALL MAKE ALL LAWS. So for a President to say that he will make changes to an existing law is just false advertising. A President can make addresses to Congress and outline what he or she would like them to accomplish in a session, but he or she just doesn't have the power to MAKE A LAW. 2. Yes, the President does have the power of veto to shut down a bill he doesn't believe in, he does not have the power to rewrite it and then pass it. He can veto a bill and send it back to congess with suggestions, that is it. 3. If Congress (the House of Representatives or Senate) are filled with a majority of Republicans then ipso facto their beliefs are going to clash with a President who is Democratic. IF THIS HAPPENS, then it is almost impossible for a President to get his issues addressed. Why? Congress is making the laws, why would they address campaign promises for a President they don't support. The opposite would therefore also be true. (Congress with a majority or Democrats and a Republican President) I watch the debates and can honestly say BOTH candidates have done a pretty good job of irritating me. I feel as if statements they both have made are deliberately misleading. I chose long ago what my political affiliation would be, I do not vote as a block. That is to say all democratic candidates or all republican candidates. I honestly just vote for candidates who have made me less angry.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness do I hear you! We couldn't watch the debates, and not just because they fell against sports (ha ha). I stopped reading the news (all online, as we don't get a paper) during Lent. And other than sport, I avoid it still.

    I can't WAIT for this election to be done! Oh, why can't they do it like the Britons? (Hee hee...)
