Sunday, February 26, 2012

Writing-PBS Contest

The local PBS station has a contest for writers that I needed to enter before the end of the month. Have been puting it off because I just wasn't inspired. Today I wrote a little piece. Not one of my more entertaining pieces of work, but still a little funny. It was about going house hunting. Unfortunately, I can't publish it. Those are the rules of the contest.

If I do this again I'll have to save a story just for this occasion. It was to much presure, and the muse was having none of it.
A :)

Agree to Disagree

My husband and I had a long discussion over this yesterday. The Government/History side of me is appalled that censorship still exists in 2012. However, he pointed out that PayPal is a company that can say who and when they do business. I argued that you can't prevent people of color from sitting at lunch counter even if you are a privately held business, by that statement Paypal can't say who and what transactions they are willing to handle. So now, not only is it censorship, it's also descrimination. He is still siding with Paypal.

Like I said I hope some big authors get involved and take this to court. I would love to see if a court of law would uphold this stance Paypal has taken.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Still stewing over PayPal Erotica Censorship

I've read some of the blog posts now by authors like Selena Kitt. It seems that a lot of Indie authors are being hit pretty hard by the new regulations.

I would like to point out as most witch hunts go, they start small and increase until even those who feel safe are included. (This is the history teacher in me appearing.)

I would like to point out that some pretty famous IN-PRINT. NON Indie authors could be adversly affected by these decisions.

Laurell K Hamilton as I mentioned before talks in her books about "Mind Rape" by Mommie Dearest. Her main character ANITA has even had sex with were animals in animal form.

Beatrice Small a staple from the 80's had several rape scenes written into her books. Some of them were graphic. I remember reading one where it was gang rape.

Even Johanna Lindsey has had at least one book where rape entered into the equation, Silver Angel. While the character ultimately falls in love with her captor she doesn't want the sex at first.

When they are done hunting out and eradicating the Indie authors, I can assure you they will graduate to the more traditional in-print authors.

Even in Salem, eventually they started accusing people of high standing. Think about it...


Joined- adelaye hearst.

FYI-PayPal is Delusional

A very famous author named Laurel K Hamilton has included rape and beastiality in her works for years. Millions have read her and purchased her books online. I have even used paypal to do it. Go ebay. The fact that they think they can regulatethis is delusional.

Smashwords and Paypal- Erotica Dispute

I am deeply saddened by Smashwords and Paypal. Two companies I have previously had a lot a lot of business dealings.

First, I am saddened that Smashwords gave in to the demands of PayPal and recatagorized Beastiality, Rape and Incest Erotica. I do not publish these forms of Erotica, but obviously people wouldn't write it if people weren't interested in buying it. To CENSOR an author's work because PayPal has said they can't transact those sales is clearly CENSORSHIP.

1. In protest I say every author who publishes this type of work should make them FREE on Smashwords. Therefore, PayPal will have nothing to transact.

2. Send an Email to PayPal and let them know you don't support their forced CENSORSHIP of Smashwords. Please, If you feel the need CALL PayPal and Complain: 1-888-221-1161 inside the USA, 1-402-935-2050 outside the USA.

3. I hope some group of author's sues the pants off of PayPal. Loss of Royalties...

Secondly, I am saddened by PayPal's thoughts that they can deny the rights of FREE PRESS guaranted in the Bill of Rights. See the above solutions to the problem I've posted above.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

House hunting bust

Looked at close to 10 houses today. Two were o.k and plausible. However, one was bigger than our current house. Too big for us, it also needed to be rewired. The other was the perfect size, but the neighborhood was dodgy. Sitting at the hotel watching tv.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Maryland-Looking for Retirement/Vacation home

Yes, We are looking for a home near Chincoteague and the Chesapeake Bay. F is enjoying the pet friendly Motel 6. Go 4 day weekend away from school.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

New Nook

Last week on the 8th I shattered the screen of my first nook. I was devastated. Received my new nook in the mail yesterday.
Color, Android apps, wi-fi conectivity and in tablet that allows me to stay connected anywhere. Not only that, the new model is in a purple skin.

In fact I just updated this blog from my new toy;)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Cooking Naked Published

So as of 5 minutes ago I had three books on Barnes and Noble.  Still waiting for the The Miracle to pull. 

This morning I finished a short story I was working on for Valentine's Day.  The muse was not with me.  I also was not able to use any of my prep time at work this week to write.  Finally, this morning I forced myself to spend four hours finishing and editing.

If you see mistakes, let me know.  I am feeling rushed.  I wanted to get this out so it could be enjoyed before Valentines Day.  In the hurry I might have made some technical fouls.  :(

So without further ado: Cooking Naked was published on Smashwords, 10 minutes ago. 

I also created a website last night at:

Cheers, Adelaye

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Rick Santorum and B&N Releases

O.K. I've said it before Rick Santorum sucked when he was here in Pennsylvania. Why are these other states not listening to PA voters?  Well, everyone will just have to live with this crap later. 

Pennsylvania has other problems right now.  Our Governor has decided to make more cuts to the education system.   Yes, thats right we already have kids who can't read and write, so now lets make it worse.  In the long run he wants to spend more on prisons.  Yeh...  Does anyone see a problem with this?

On a lighter note:  Three of the books have hit Barnes and Noble.  Two of them have cracked the top 100,000 download mark.  One has hit the 10,000 download mark.  Awesome. 

Have to work on the next three manuscripts.  So hard to finish...

Made homemade cottage pie on Saturday.  Top crust and all.  It was so good.  M has been on an England kick.  He has requested many of the meals I made the first year we were married.  Go 1999. 

:) Adelaye

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Politics and Books

O.K.  I have been a little remiss on the politics front lately.  Have to admit I did not watch the Presidential State of the Union Address the other week.  I also have not taken note of any primaries lately.

Went back to work last week and works this week.  Have been a little preoccupied with work, that I have not writen anything in almost a week.  I mentioned to Mark tonigh that my muse has been on hiatus.  I said I needed to take a long drive in the car to turn it on.  Yes, I daydream in the car.  My best ideas come from long drives to see my family.  M suggested a 5 hour trip to the beach. 

On a last note.  "An Arrangement" and "Duck-N-Cover" tripped to Barnes and Noble tonight. The artwork and intros didn't pull.  Still it was nice to have them pop up, I feel validated.

Cheers, Adelaye