Thursday, March 8, 2012

Being Consumed

Last night I sat through a really good message at chruch. Yes, It is the Easter season and Lent makes an appearance at church weekly a necessity. If fact we have a great time at soup suppers. It's quite nice to sit down with friends and eat like a big family. We joke, we tell stories, and just eat really good "soul" food.

When dinner is done we go upstairs for "The Message." The speaker this week stressed the things that Jesus did in his final days leading up to the cross. She pointed out that to be true Christians and follow in his footsteps we need to turn the other cheek. Only not just turn it, live it. If I were living a "Christ Centered" life I could just allow the things that irritate me to go on by. Christ knew he was going to die on the cross. Yet, he didn't fight his captors. He accepted the fate they handed down willingly.

I hear(heard) the message. I'm just not sure this leopard can chnage its spots over night. I mean its taken me 35 years to get this way.


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