Friday, March 9, 2012

Afghan Women VS Censorship

I subscribe to several RSS feeds. So this morning I'm catching up on BBC news and there is this article on how social networking sites like facebook give the afghan people living around the world a way to share their frustration at recent "Laws" put forth by Karzai and his Conservative Clerics.

If you do not follow international news this is very big. For Karzai to publically endorse seperation of the sexes is very bad for women in general. It's like saying that we go back to segregation here in the USA. Seperate water fountains and all. Unfortunately, women in that country have very little say, so MEN will continue to treat them like second class citizens. We thought the 1960's were bad. Try being segregated in 2012.

In this instance I'm glad I live in the USA. We do have many problems of our own. Take all the Censorship things I have been writing about, but segregation is not one of them. This makes the censorship issue a small cause instead of a BIG one as I made it out to be.


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