Monday, March 26, 2012


It was a busy weekend here at our house. I volunteer for a lot of causes. This weekend was a major fundraiser for a cause near and dear to my heart. My family drove over 2 hours to come stay with us and help out. It was an Awesome weekend. I got to spend some time with my nephews and we even released the snapping turtles we had kept in an aquarium over the winter. I love my FAMILY and am so happy they love me too. :) Check out the photos of the great Snapping Turtle Release of 2012.
My father is an exterminator of sorts. The mama snapping turtle had invaded a pond that the owner had stocked with trout. He was called in to diagnose the missing trout problem. She died, but he was able to save the eggs and bury them in some sand. When they hatched he released most of them. These two spent a nice time being fattened up at our house over the winter. We released them into a really nice lake with plenty of food.

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