Friday, March 30, 2012

Fully Engaged

So, since I traded up and purchased a nook I havn't been reading many IN-Print books.  It's not that I don't enjoy them, its just that it is so much easier to just download and go.

I went to a conference with the company, THRIVENT.  They handle financial matters with a Lutheran flair.  They are changing their business model and are now accepting NON Lutherans.  This is besides the point of this blog. 

At the conference I received some really nice SWAG.  It was held in Hershey, PA so besides the Chocolate aspect I received a book titled, Fully Engaged: How to DO Less and BE More by John Busacker.  The book is a motivational book and I'm usually not into this type of genre to read, must admit I really liked it since I read it. 

On Page 46, the author is trying to get people to tell their stories.  This was extremely poigniant to me.  The type of stories he is encouraging people to write are personal histories.  However, my stories will fit this too, as The story itself is what is important.  He has a great quote by Oliver Wendel Holmes, "Most people go to their graves with their music still inside of them."  As the author points out this is "like having the library burn down."  I recommend this book especially if you are struggling with the question of what to do with your life.  It really puts your choices into perspective. 

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